
Our mission

Information technology has transformative powers, and we believe everyone should be able to have the right system in place. But outdated solutions and overwhelmed systems create uncertainty and risk.
BROSS.EU provides businesses with cost-effective technology solutions customized to grow their businesses and increase profitability. Our consultative approach to business partnership is achieved by providing clients ranging from new start-ups to small and mid-sized companies, with a single point of contact for all their technology needs. Our IT professionals offer comprehensive consultation services in areas that include Server Support, IT Security and Business Continuity, Network Desing, Cloud solutions and others. 

Our Story

Oliver Bross, zakladateľ BROSS ITSM, je skutočným IT profesionálom už od polovice 90. rokov. Väčšinu svojho profesionálneho života pracoval v Spojenom kráľovstve a Austrálii pre IT spoločnosti poskytujúce podnikové IT služby verejnému aj súkromnému sektoru a za posledných niekoľko desaťročí pomohol stovkám firiem po celom svete a poskytoval im profesionálne IT služby. 

His highly personal approach, in-depth IT understanding, and friendly, but professional personality helped him to build a solid customer base for the companies he worked for. He set up his first business in 1997 in Slovakia and continued with another professional IT business in the UK in 2006.